



... is incredibly versatile, accommodating a wide array of surface designs. Whether you’re looking to apply wallpaper, engage in intricate plastering techniques, affix artificial stones,  wooden planks, the possibilities are limitless.




This WW1  SpeedSet


... was originally built for a workshop at the Cine-expo Event in Munich for the cameraman of the film that achieved the best success for a German entry at the Oscars to date: "All Quiet on the Western Front."


The SpeedSet



... is  applied, after which, you can apply any kind of design covering or cladding you like.

The SpeedSet hospital


...can be seen during and after construction by moving your cursor over these images.


Incredibly compact


This 3m tall Studio set,

takes only 90 cm depth of storage.


SpeedSet not only cuts down on expensive storage space, but it also reduces transport emissions and costs.